In-App Notifications

In-App Notification Feature

Why is there an In-App Notification?

A broken connector will be communicated to users in real-time via the In-App Notification feature. The In-App notification will turn pink to alert you if one of your vital data connectors is disconnected.

CaliberMind In-App notification bell

How does the In-App Notification Work?

The In-App Notification Feature appears as a bell located on the top right of your menu bar. When there are notifications the bell will turn pink in color. If there is no notification the bell will remain gray in color.

CaliberMind In-App notification bell turns pink when new notifications are available

How do I View my In-App Notifications?

  1. To view, notifications click on the bell located at the top right of your application.
Clicking on CaliberMind pink bell to view new In-App notifications
  1. Your screen will refresh and the Notification View will appear.
CaliberMind displays the new In-App notifications
  1. Click on a notification to read the notification.
Accessing a new In-App notification in CaliberMind
  1. The content of the notification will appear.
CaliberMind displays the new In-App notification content
  1. When you return to the Notification View you will see that the message has changed color to an opaque red indicating that you view the message.
Read In-App message changes to an opaque red color in CaliberMind

How do I Manage my In-App Notifications?

Return to Notification View

To return to the Notification View click on the breadcrumb located on the top left of the Detail View.

Returning to CaliberMind Notification via the breadcrumb
Mark Notification Unread

To mark a notification as Unread click the ellipse to the right of the notification subject. A drop-down list will appear. Click the Mark Unread selection from the drop-down list.

Marking an In-App notification unread in CaliberMind
Delete Notifications

You can choose to delete single, multiple or all messages.

To delete a notification click on the ellipse to the right of the notification subject. A drop-down list will appear. Click Delete selection from the drop-down list.

Deleting a CaliberMind In-App notification

To delete multiple notifications

  1. Click the select all button on the top left, above the notifications in the Notification View.
Deleting multiple CaliberMind In-App notifications
  1. Then click the delete button (garbage can) on the top right, above the notifications in the Notification View. All the notifications within your CaliberMind App will be deleted.
All CaliberMind In-App notifications will be deleted

How did we do?

Connectors Status Page

CaliberMind IP Addresses for Whitelisting
