Table of Contents

Opportunity Detail - Search Results

Why search for an Opportunity in CaliberMind?

Searching for a record in CaliberMind can reveal a ton of details about that record, which makes the detail pages ideal for:

  • Showing sales the all attributable activities associated with a single opportunity
  • Troubleshooting reports

What can I see when I search for an opportunity in CaliberMind?

When people search for an opportunity in CaliberMind, they will be presented with highly detailed lists and summary information related to the opportunity. For example, if I want to know which contact roles are listed or how attribution is credited across touchpoints, searching for the opportunity would help me answer those questions.

The Opportunity Result Header

The Opportunity header is meant to display identifying information to help you confirm that you're viewing the opportunity you intended.

opportunity header search information
  1. Opportunity Details - This displays the created date of the opportunity or deal in your CRM and when the opportunity is scheduled to close or has closed.
  2. Company Details - This lists the account, the account's logo, and a link to your CRM to view the opportunity or deal.
  3. Stage - The opportunity stage in your CRM.
  4. Amount - The total dollar amount associated with the opportunity.
  5. Type - The Type designated for the opportunity.
  6. Owner - The name of the owner of the opportunity record in your CRM.

Opportunity Tab Options

The tabs beneath an opportunity record's headers allow you to see summary information specific to that opportunity.

opportunity tab details

Here are a few reasons you may want to use each tab:

Details: "I want to know if the salesperson listed anyone in the Opportunity Contact Roles." "I want to know which product this account may purchase."

Attribution: "I want to see exactly how attribution is being attributed across touchpoints for this opportunity." "I want to know what kind of touches were attributed dollars prior to opportunity creation." "I want to know what kind of touches helped drive the deal toward a successful close."

The Opportunity Result "Details" Tab

Product Table

opportunity product details
These are not actual CaliberMind products or pricing. This image is for illustration purposes.
  1. Product - The name of the product on the opportunity.
  2. Product Code - The code of the product on the opportunity.
  3. Product Family - The designated family of the product on the opportunity.
  4. Quantity - The quantity ordered by the prospect.
  5. Amount - The amount the salesperson is planning on charging for the product.

Opportunity Contact Role Table

opportunity contact roles
Information is intentionally obscured to protect identifiable information.
  1. Name - The name of the contact associated with the opportunity.
  2. Title - The raw text title of the contact associated with the opportunity.
  3. Department - The department (derived from the raw title) of the contact associated with the opportunity.
  4. Role - The role (derived from the raw title) of the contact associated with the opportunity
  5. Is Primary Contact - This is true if the contact is currently listed as the opportunity's primary contact and false if they are not.
The Opportunity Result "Attribution" Tab


opportunity result attribution metrics
  1. Pre-Opp Attribution - Dollars associated with touches that were recorded before the opportunity was created.
  2. Pre-Opp Percentage - The percentage of pre-opp touch dollars divided by the total dollars associated with the opportunity.
  3. Post-Op Attribution - Dollars associated with touches that were recorded after the opportunity was created and before it was closed.
  4. Post-Opp Percentage - The percentage of pre-opp touch dollars divided by the total dollars associated with the opportunity.
  5. Touches Attributed - A count of events or activities that were credited attribution dollars for this opportunity.
  6. People Attributed - A count of people listed against events or activities that were credited attribution dollars for this opportunity.

Attribution Detail Table

Attribution detail table for Opportunity
Identifiable information has intentionally been obscured on the screenshot.
  1. Touch Date - The date the attributed touch occurred.
  2. Days to Close - The number of days before the opportunity is scheduled to close the attributable touch occurred.
  3. Attribution - The dollar amount of attribution associated with the attributed touch.
  4. Pre/Post - Lists Pre-Opp if the touch happened before the opportunity was created. Post-Opp is listed if the touch happened after opportunity creation and before opportunity close.
  5. Percentage - The touchpoints attributed dollars divided by the total possible dollars associated with the opportunity - or the portion of attribution assigned to the touch.
  6. Contact - The name of the person who generated the activity.
  7. Campaign Name - The campaign name associated with the touch.
  8. Campaign Type - The campaign type associated with the touch.
  9. Channel - The channel associated with the touch either through UTM parameters or custom logic.

How did we do?

Person Detail - Search Results

How Does CaliberMind Define a "Channel"?
