Insights Engagement Dashboard - Aggregation Dates

Let's Discuss Aggregation Dates.

Date aggregation determines how your charts are grouped. Currently, the report is aggregated by days. As you can see there is a large amount of data represented and this can become a bit unwieldy. To simplify the data shown and to make it more manageable I am going to change the aggregation date to Months. When months are selected, all of the subsequent charts will change to the selected month's dimension. (NOTE: This doesn't change the actual time range that you're referencing. It only changes the display based upon the chosen dimension.)

CaliberMind Aggregation Date filter

In this example, once months are selected the dashboard will refresh and notice that the horizontal axis is now labeled by month. Another thing to note about the engagement overview is that the raw score isn't a true total raw score in that it only goes back 365 days. When looking at a multiyear dimension, such as this example (The event date of this example is viewed as ‘This and Last Year.’ ) I am viewing this report from April 2022 back through April 2021.  I’ll see the information drop off as the year progresses.

CaliberMind engagement overview dashboard's raw score isn't a true total raw score

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