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Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Funnel Performance

Angie C. Updated by Angie C.

Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Funnel Performance

With CaliberMind Answers, we aim to make it easy for you to get a high-level snapshot of how your current funnel is performing today, how that stacks up to historical performance, and context about where you can expect to end up.

How Do I Set This Up?

The Funnel Performance Answer within CaliberMind is designed with ease of use and flexibility in mind. With a few simple configuration steps, you can have automated insights generated about your funnel performance.

Below we detail the various configuration options available to users.

  • Name: This field allows users to give their answer a unique name in order to quickly identify them across CaliberMind.
  • Funnel: The type of funnel selected of interest to the user.
  • Stage: The name of the funnel stage of interest to the user. This selection is dependent on the choice of the Funnel field.
  • Time Period: This parameter allows users to define which current time period is used for analysis. The currently supported options are
    • Week
    • Month
    • Quarter
    • Year

For any time period, this answer will provide information about how the specified funnel stage is currently progressing. For example, selecting Quarter will give users the ability to see how their funnel is doing over the current quarter, which can be useful for understanding how marketing efforts are performing against quarterly goals.

  • Comparison Type: Users can select between Previous Period and Average Period for their initial comparison. The values returned will compare how the current time period is progressing vs. this time during either the previous or average period.

How Do I Use This?

Once you have set up your Answer, you will have access to a curated exploration page focused solely on your version of the question at hand. This is in addition to the generated insight that is delivered to you. This page provides both high-level and deeper insight into your data. The screenshot and breakdown below provide supplementary information about using and interpreting this information.

  1. Answer Name and Configuration Panel: This section provides the current configuration for this Answer. Often times this information is useful in differentiating use cases and providing additional context for discussion.
  2. Answer: Rather than just give users a multitude of reports to wade through, CaliberMind aims to provide a curated experience for understanding and interpreting the data at hand. This section provides a high-level answer to the core underlying question being considered. This statement is limited to 1-2 lines of concise information. This is the same value that is listed on the My Answers page for this specific question.
  3. Current Period Stage Entries: This metric provides the current cumulative number of entries to a given stage within the current time period. This is a measure of how your funnel is currently performing. Additionally, a rate measure is provided to give an indication of how fast this metric is growing.
  4. Previous Period Stage Entries: This metric provides the previous number of entries to a given stage at this point during the previous period. This is a measure of how your funnel was previously performing at this point within the period. Additionally, a rate measure is provided to give an indication of how fast this metric is growing.
  5. Average Period Stage Entries: This metric provides the average number of entries to a given stage at this point during the recent periods (excluding the current one). This is a measure of how this funnel stage tends to behave. Additionally, a rate measure is provided to give an indication of how fast this metric is growing.
  6. Current Period Versus Last Period: This metric is the relative difference between the number of stage entries at this point during the current and previous periods. For example, imagine we are 10 days into a new quarter and have seen 100 Inbound entries to our funnel. Additionally, imagine that 10 days into the previous period we had only seen 80 Inbound entries. This would result in a 25% increase in Inbound entries between the two periods at this point in time.
  7. Current Period Versus Average Period: This metric is the relative difference between the number of stage entries at this point during the current and an average period. For example, imagine we are 10 days into a new quarter and have seen 100 Inbound entries to our funnel. Additionally, imagine that in an average period, we have only seen 50 Inbound entries at this point in time. This would result in a 100% increase in Inbound entries between these two periods at this point in time.
  8. Cumulative Stage Entries Over Time: This graphic overlays the previous and average trajectories for cumulative stage entries over the current period’s values. This provides the user with an easy way to see how they are currently doing as well as understand how people and accounts tend to enter this stage over the course of their time period of interest.
  9. Filter Drawer: Currently, we support limited filtering of the exploration pages associated with Answers. For this Answer, we allow for toggling between the various stages within a given funnel. All other configurations will stay the same. This toggle does not affect the underlying configuration of the Answer and all delivered insights will still be tied to this original set up.

How did we do?

Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Account Engagement

Using CaliberMind Answers to Understand Funnel Impact
