Table of Contents

Creating a List Using the List Builder - Step-by-Step Instructions

Are you looking for Segments? Since Segments and Lists run on similar logic and have the same output, we have moved Segments to the Lists menu.

Standard or Custom?

Standard lists use a configuration builder and use a fairly narrow group of tables and fields when defining logic and column output. For example, if you want to pull a company list and filter the list based on company fields, the standard list builder is a great place to start.

Custom lists use a SQL builder to join together any tables from your CaliberMind instance and then narrow down the records to those that match your inclusion criteria using a Where clause.

CaliberMind new list view with standard or custom selection
You can convert any standard list into a custom list, but you can't convert a custom list back into a standard list. Once you make the change to custom, your list will be in custom.

Data Type: Company, Campaign, or Person?

Company refers to companies or accounts that are exported from your system(s) of choice and then processed to eliminate data issues and normalize text fields.

Campaign refers to a combination of CRM campaigns, MAP activities, and other ad platform or web interactions that are grouped in CaliberMind under a virtual campaign.

Person refers to a combination of CRM lead and contact records and MAP person records that are then deduplicated and have certain text fields normalized.

CaliberMind List Builder Data Type options, Company, Campaign or Person
Don't see your object? Toggle "Standard or Custom" to Custom and use the Custom list builder.

Refresh Type: Dynamic or Static?

Dynamic lists are lists that will change each time you open the list. When you open the list, it pulls matching records based on your logic. Use this kind of list if you want the latest records excluded from your criteria to be taken off of your list when you use it or records included when they are updated to meet your criteria.

Static lists are a snapshot of the records that meet your criteria when you initially create the list. Use this kind of list if you want to create a snapshot of a segment to send to a marketing automation platform as a campaign list or an advertising tool to define a target list. Creating a static list will allow you to look at the list at any given point in time to understand who was targeted during the given campaign.

CaliberMind new list screen with refresh type options: Dynamic or Static

Use for Reporting?

Once your list has been created, you can open it by clicking on the list name and then select the Description tab. On the Description tab, you can choose whether or not to make the list available for reports (or filters on dashboards and reports):

CaliberMind Description of list with report setting

How did we do?

What are Lists?

Use Case Videos - Creating a List Using the List Builder
