How to Set Up and Configure Funnels

Tara Wildt Updated by Tara Wildt

How to Set Up Funnels in CaliberMind

It is highly recommended if custom funnel development is required that your organization reach out to your Customer Success representative for further assistance.

Our Funnels Feature allows the user to configure their funnel based on any event data available to CaliberMind. This means that any of your connected systems that create events are able to be marked as the trigger for a phase change.

CaliberMind offers three distinct types of funnels: person, opportunity, and company.

Configuring Funnel Events

The driving force within CaliberMind is the "Event" - or a combination of tasks, campaign activity, and other benchmarks that businesses need to analyze their activities. Specific events on the Lead, Contact, and Opportunity records help to define the actions that trigger movement through the funnel stages.

Once these events are configured, they become available within the event table and signal these funnel movements - such as a stage change or early exit.

Some events will already be configured out-of-the box during your CaliberMind implementation process, but additional funnel events will need to be set up. The events that will already be pre-configured include:

  • Opportunity Won
  • Opportunity Lost
  • Lead Created
  • Contact Created
  • Opportunity Created

To configure additional funnel events, follow these steps:

  1. Select 'Settings' from the left navigation pane:

  1. Select 'Funnels' and then 'Events':

  1. Select the green + in the top right corner to add a new Event:
  2. Input Event Name and select the Type of event:

There are 2 different types of events you can select: History and Static. The event type is based on the field values of an object's records.

  • History: Utilizes fields where the value will change over time. The value change will be used to create an event. An example would be Lead Status, where the field value could start as Open, and change to Qualified, Disqualified, etc. Interactive instructions on how to set up a History Event here. Note: if history tracking is not enabled for the field, this method cannot be used.
  • Static: Utilizes fields with a date stamp on the object itself. The date stamp will be used to create an event. An example would be MQL Date, where the date is stamped by a marketing automation platform such as Marketo. Interactive instructions on how to set up a Static Event here. Note: This event type is mapped to a single field on the respective object(s) set.
Funnel Events Limit: In order to address COGS concerns we’re now enforcing a limit to the number of funnel events an organization can create. The current default limit is 15. CM Admin users have access to update this on the admin site. [download Funnel Event Limit pdf]
  1. Define your event using a column from the Lead, Company, or Opportunity table along with the criteria for success:

Repeat these steps for each stage in your Person, Company, or Opportunity Funnel. From there you are ready to configure your funnel.

Event Inclusion Rules

Only certain types of events will be eligible for inclusion in a funnel. In order for an event to be included in a funnel, at least one of the following conditions must be true:

  • it is an inbound event (is_inbound = true)
  • event_class starts with “opp” (case insensitive)
  • event_type starts with “opp” (case insensitive)
  • event_class = “Funnel Event” (case insensitive)

Events created using the Funnel Event Manager, as outlined in the process above, automatically have the necessary properties required for inclusion in a funnel.

Additional filtering can be done using the 'Company Inclusion' and 'Person Inclusion' settings, as outlined below.

Configuring a Funnel

  1. Select 'Settings' from the left navigation pane:

  1. Select 'Funnels' and then 'Funnels' again:

  1. Select the + symbol in the top right corner to create a new funnel:

  1. Status Tab: Configure the following elements for each stage of your funnel:
    1. Name: The stage name that will display on your funnel
    2. Rules: Logic that determines a stage change
    3. Inactivity Timeout: Create an automatic journey end based on time between inbound events
    4. Early Exits: Logic that creates an automatic journey end based on specific events
    5. Person Status Exits: Logic that automatically ends a journey based on a person's status. For example, ending the journey if there is no longer anyone at the organization qualified to advance a journey. More information here.
We recommend checking out our article on using the Event Explore feature to figure out which fields and values to leverage in your stage logic build-out. To learn more, click here.
  1. Company Inclusion Tab: allows the user to indicate which Companies to be included in the Funnel. By default, all Companies will be included. Additional information about Company Inclusion here.
  1. Person Inclusion Tab: allows the user to indicate which people to be included in the Funnel. By default, all People will be included. Additional information on Person Inclusion here.
  1. Settings Tab: allows the user to indicate whether or not they want Funnel Journey Members to continue to participate in additional journeys. If this is set to NO, this means that people who have completed a journey successfully will not qualify for future journeys. This is particularly useful if the final "success" stage is "Customer" and people want to use the funnel for net new customers only. Once they achieve Customer status, they will be excluded from future journeys in this funnel. If it's set to YES, this means that people can have multiple successful journeys. This works well for companies that do not have a recurring revenue product.
  1. You're all set! Within a few hours you should be able to pick your newly created funnel model and use it on any of the core funnel reports in CaliberMind.

Setting a Default Funnel

The default funnel will automatically display on your Funnels reports when clicking into those dashboards. To set a default funnel, go to Settings > Funnels > Funnels. Select the three dots to the right of the funnel you would like to set as a default, and then select 'Set as Default':

How did we do?

Funnel Stages Configuration and Stage Definitions
