Filters Update

Erika Updated by Erika

Update to Filters

With the goal of simplifying communications around filter usage for your team, we have made some small changes in the application of filters in our Analytics and Search Reports. Based on customer feedback, filters .This means that admin users will be able to create filter sets for members of their organization to use, with or without pre-selected values.

The changes to filters include the following:

  1. Your filter sets are now in their own defined area. Creation, modification and deletion of the filter sets follow the same flow as before. The main difference is that now you need to include which filters you want to be available in the filter set.
  2. The new “Select Filter” area is where you will choose which optional filters you would like to make available to the rest of your organization.
  3. Here you’ll see how to select a filter (filters are still grouped by the object they belong to) and users can type-ahead to find their filter. Selections made here will display below in their relevant section.
  4. You can see that the filter has been added in its object’s section at the bottom of the filter drawer.
  5. To remove a filter from your filter drawer, or a Filter Set, click the x. In the case of the Filter Set, you will then click the edit button and save your change.

How did we do?

Object Mapping: Create a Campaign Substitution

Filter Drawer Definitions
