Slack AI Company Engagement Summary

Erika Updated by Erika

Enable access to AI Engagement Summaries via Slack for non-CaliberMind users

Important: Once enabled, this feature will be available for all Slack users within your organization.

The CaliberMind Slack Integration allows all users with access to Slack to type a simple phrase and receive an AI generated Engagement Summary for a chosen company.

Slack phrase:

/calibermind company <Company Name or Company ID>

In order to utilize this feature, you will first need a Slack Admin to complete the CaliberMind → Slack integration.

  1. Once the connection is established, pull up your Slack window.
Note: This prompt will work in any DM or channel but will only be visible to your user.
  1. Type in the prompt /calibermind company calibermind In this case we’re searching for CaliberMind. You should type in whichever prospect you’re interested in learning more about.
  1. If we find duplicates based on the name you enter, you will be prompted to use an ID instead. You can also be more specific about the name of the Prospect to narrow the results.
  1. When you use an ID or there is a single selection, you will receive a message that your request has been received.
Note: It may take a few minutes to show all of the data being processed.
  1. Navigate to the CaliberMind Slack bot to view your result.
  1. Here you will find the result for your search consisting of the following:

Buyer Group

Key Marketing Activities

Buyer Journey

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