
Object Mapping for Filters - Start Here!

Object mapping processes explain how objects are related to different tables. Object mapping is the ability to establish a correspondence between objects belonging to heterogeneous models and diagrams. You create a mapping between objects to set up a structure for data movement and transformation. Data comes from a data source and is loaded into another target database or model.


Custom Configuration for Object Mapping

What is Available Through Custom Configuration Screens? We are constantly innovating new configuration screens to keep up with customer demand. These screens allow admins to use logic to make changes…


Object Mapping Filters

To apply global account filters, click on the Settings cog in the upper right corner and go to: Object Mapping -> Account -> Filters Account Filters. Account filters allow you to screen out accounts…


How to Map Your Salesforce Opportunity Revenue Field

Map Salesforce Opportunity Revenue Field. When you initially sync your CaliberMind account with Salesforce , CaliberMind automatically makes the association between your Amount field under your Sales…


Object Mapping: Create a Filter

Filter rules are used when you want to only include a subset of data in the CaliberMind version of your table. When you set up your rules, this configuration tool is mimicking what a 'Where' clause w…


Object Mapping: Create a Mapping

The mapping tool allows you to pick a custom column to use instead of a standard column commonly used for certain calculations. For example, we normally use the Amount field on the Opportunity object…


Object Mapping: Create a Replacement

Replacement rules help admins standardize text fields by replacing variations of a word with the standardized word. For example, replace "Company" with "Co.", replace hyphens with spaces, or remove q…


Object Mapping: Create a Campaign Substitution

The Campaign Substitution Tool allows users to transform existing data by either replacing the current value with a hardcoded value or pulling values dynamically from another column. Example use cases would b…


Filters Update for Creating Filter Sets

Filters in Analytics and Search Reports are now selectable. Admin users are able to create Filter Sets for organizational use.

Updated by Erika

Filter Drawer Definitions

CaliberMind allows for extensive filtering in our reporting layer. This article will help you understand which filters to apply in order to isolate the data you are interested in. Each of these filters is a standard column in your CaliberMind Data Model.

Updated by Erika
