Configuring Funnels

How to Set Up and Configure Funnels

Our Funnels Feature allows the user to configure their funnel based on any event data available to CaliberMind. This means that any of your connected systems that create events are able to be marked as the trigger for a phase change. CaliberMind offers three distinct types of funnels: person, opportunity, and company.

Tara Wildt
Updated by Tara Wildt

Funnel Stages Configuration and Stage Definitions

Funnel stage configuration settings are simple to modify. If you want additional stages or your business does things a little differently, please work with sales and your customer success team.


Funnels FAQs Technical Documentation

This document lists CaliberMind Funnel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) including: Which Accounts Can Enter This Funnel?, What If Someone Leaves the Funnel Early?, What If More Than 1 Person at an Account Responds?, Can a Lead Enter or Trigger a Journey Stage?, What If a Lead Later Identifies, Against an Account Already In a Funnel Journey?


Funnel Company Inclusion Configuration

Funnel Company inclusion configuration settings are simple to modify. You are able to include or exclude multiple company-related fields that target your specific ICP ensuring a higher conversion rate.


Event Explore for Funnels

Setting up your funnel can be tricky if you aren't familiar with the cm_event table schema in CaliberMind. The Event Explore is your shortcut to finding field labels and the values to use when setting up your funnel stage logic.


Funnel History Event Configuration

Funnel history configuration settings are simple to modify. You are able to create custom history events for use within your custom funnels.


Funnel Static Event Configuration

Funnel static event configuration settings are simple to modify. You are able to create custom static events for use within your custom funnels.


Funnel Person Inclusion Configuration

Funnel Person inclusion configuration settings are simple to modify. You are able to include or exclude multiple person-related fields that target your specific ICP ensuring a higher conversion rate.


Funnel Person Status Exits

CaliberMind Funnel Person Status Exits. Print This Page. What a re Person Status Exits? You may want funnel journeys to end based on who the active participants are. Occasionally, a journey may need…

