Model Configuration

​Custom Attribution Configuration - Custom Weighting

Custom Attribution Configuration - Custom Weights. Custom Attribution - Purpose. Frequently, customers want to have the option of creating their own Custom Attribution Models. The Attribution Configu…


Customize Engagement Scoring Models - Start Here!

Engagement Scoring - Start Here! CaliberMind easily integrates with Marketing Automation Platforms, CRM, and other data sources through Connectors. This provides you with a plethora of data, all elig…


Engagement Scoring Models Overview

Are you interested in fine-tuning your engagement scores? Our configuration screens allow you to change how many points you allocate to each event type and add multipliers for high-value contacts.


How to Change Event Touch Scores

Things change in marketing. Sometimes a tactic that used to bring in scores of leads fizzles out and at other times, the inspiration to try something new hits. Our lead score configuration tool will help you make adjustments as you need them.


How to Add or Change Engagement Score Multipliers

How to Add or Change Engagement Score Multipliers. Any newly created model will take up to 24 hours to update for use. This is a multi-step tutorial. What Is a Multiplier? Behind our scoring models,…


Add or Change Engagement Score Filters

How to Add or Change Engagement Score Filters. Any newly created model will take up to 24 hours to update for use. This is a multi-step tutorial. Why Add an Engagement Score Model Filter? Engagement…


Create Multiple Engagement Score Models

Create Multiple Engagement Model. Add Rules Instructions. This is a multi-step tutorial. Complete Video Instructions.. Add Rule Introduction. This module aims to explain why you would want a differen…


Which touches and events are we scoring?

Which Touches and Events are we Scoring? If you have any of the following questions, this dashboard is worth a view: Are all my events being scored? Am I scoring my events accurately? - Do I need to…


Sales Opportunity Data Model

Sales Opportunity Data Model. Using the Sales-Opportunity Data Model, you can perform simple reporting using tables that will look familiar to Salesforce customers. Person List, Campaign List, Account…


Engagement Scoring Time Decay - How It Works & How to Change It

How to Add or Change Engagement Score Time Decay. Any newly created model will take up to 24 hours to update for use. What is Time Decay? CaliberMind's engagement models all include a linear time dec…


Using Engagement Score to Trigger an Update in Salesforce

Description. The CaliberMind Engagement score is a very powerful metric that helps your Marketing and Sales teams understand exactly how engaged a specific account is with CaliberMind. Most customers…


Default ABM Scoring Logic

Scoring can help in understanding and tracking engagement, but first we need to understand the default scoring logic applied in CaliberMind. Overview. Pulling person, company, and related event infor…

